Friday, November 26, 2004
Another online bookdealer, specializing in lace!! Theo Brejaart's site lists a lot of tempting books.
Another online bookdealer, specializing in lace!! Theo Brejaart's site lists a lot of tempting books.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I finally finished up the model for the 2004 Wee Little sampler which is based on early (pre-revolution) Russian designs.
UPS lost, destroyed, munched up or trashed a model of my Beds of Roses sampler which was in their care. Not nice UPS! Yes it was insured, but it has to be restiched.
I finally finished up the model for the 2004 Wee Little sampler which is based on early (pre-revolution) Russian designs.

UPS lost, destroyed, munched up or trashed a model of my Beds of Roses sampler which was in their care. Not nice UPS! Yes it was insured, but it has to be restiched.
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Monday, November 08, 2004
A nice check from my NZ distributor came in the mail. Finished up the rent payment. Then a small but nice order from Nordic Needle. Nordic Needle just keeps on selling my blackwork books. My hat is off to the ladies in Fargo and their dedicated staff.
A nice check from my NZ distributor came in the mail. Finished up the rent payment. Then a small but nice order from Nordic Needle. Nordic Needle just keeps on selling my blackwork books. My hat is off to the ladies in Fargo and their dedicated staff.
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Saturday, November 06, 2004
Sometimes it takes very little to get excited around here. The 2005 NCCSS (Rockome) mailing came this week and I've just been reading it. What a great time I always have there and 2005 will be more than a little fun. This year's show is June 3-12.
Libby and I will sponsor the "prize to end all prizes" again this year - a trip to London with our Linn & Libby in London tour group. The London trip in 2005 will be won by the stitcher (amateur or professional) who stitches up the very best blackwork project.
Libby and I are also sponsoring a Country Evening on June 11. So sign up quickly for a Teddy Bear's Picnic. You won't be admitted without a special friend (teddy, dolly or other plush companion).
This year's theme is Reproduction Samplers and although I don't often teach reproductions I have a special project saved for Rockome. I have an early-mid 19th century Rhode Island sampler to teach AND I have a group of family mementos to share with the class. I own the family Book of Common prayer where family letters, news clippings, photos, stitching, locks of hair, baptismal certificates, etc. were saved. I am now doing family history research on the stitcher Sallie Watson and hope to know more about her and her family by June.
More on Rockome projects as time goes on. I'll try to give some glimpses of class projects here in my blog and on our web site.
Sometimes it takes very little to get excited around here. The 2005 NCCSS (Rockome) mailing came this week and I've just been reading it. What a great time I always have there and 2005 will be more than a little fun. This year's show is June 3-12.
Libby and I will sponsor the "prize to end all prizes" again this year - a trip to London with our Linn & Libby in London tour group. The London trip in 2005 will be won by the stitcher (amateur or professional) who stitches up the very best blackwork project.
Libby and I are also sponsoring a Country Evening on June 11. So sign up quickly for a Teddy Bear's Picnic. You won't be admitted without a special friend (teddy, dolly or other plush companion).
This year's theme is Reproduction Samplers and although I don't often teach reproductions I have a special project saved for Rockome. I have an early-mid 19th century Rhode Island sampler to teach AND I have a group of family mementos to share with the class. I own the family Book of Common prayer where family letters, news clippings, photos, stitching, locks of hair, baptismal certificates, etc. were saved. I am now doing family history research on the stitcher Sallie Watson and hope to know more about her and her family by June.
More on Rockome projects as time goes on. I'll try to give some glimpses of class projects here in my blog and on our web site.
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Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Once the suitcases were unpacked I was able to add four new erasers to my collection. A fun group representing the special mummy exhibit at the British Museum, a visit to the Quaker Tapestry, Libby's visit to Westminister Cathedral and a wish for money.
Once the suitcases were unpacked I was able to add four new erasers to my collection. A fun group representing the special mummy exhibit at the British Museum, a visit to the Quaker Tapestry, Libby's visit to Westminister Cathedral and a wish for money.

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Finally getting back to routine life around here. I've been suffering from a handicap of a wonky shoulder (right of course - I'm right-handed) and have just managed to finish unpacking the suitcases brought home from London.
One of the perils of not having a regular day job is not having income while swanning about the world. This requires intense effort to refill the bank account upon returning home. So it's been work work work and today I'm working on updates to the online catalog and declaring a sale!! Shameless what we'll do to pay the rent around here.
Finally getting back to routine life around here. I've been suffering from a handicap of a wonky shoulder (right of course - I'm right-handed) and have just managed to finish unpacking the suitcases brought home from London.
One of the perils of not having a regular day job is not having income while swanning about the world. This requires intense effort to refill the bank account upon returning home. So it's been work work work and today I'm working on updates to the online catalog and declaring a sale!! Shameless what we'll do to pay the rent around here.
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