
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Making a List, Checking it Twice 

Those who know me well know I've developed a bad habit of simply throwing myself at a project and hoping all is well in the end. I never used to approach things in this way. If I was going on a trip I had lists and calendars and contact numbers and notes and was ready far in advance.

Upon self-examination and introspection, this bad habit started when I began teaching at consumer shows. I was working fulltime at a dayjob then, and when I started teaching the old Spirit of Cross-Stitch organization had folded and two new groups stepped into the void with a vengance. The first year of their sponsorship of consumer shows I taught and exhibited at 13 shows. I seemed to be the only teacher who prepared different teaching projects for the Heart of Cross Stitch and the CATS shows. (typically 8-10 classes per show). Boy did I have a lot to learn about the biz at that point. I flung myself around a lot and didn't do a very good job of any of it. What tolerant students and customers I had.

Then the habit stuck!!! The old wait until the last minute and go crazy plan of management.

Now that I am retiring from day jobs and am teaching at no consumer shows in the forseeable future, I have time to do a better job. So lists and more lists are established. Watch this space for progress reports.

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