
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Value of Women's Work 

A little off topic but then I've been thinking of the value of women's work in general lately.

Until my recent retirement I've worked in rather "pink collar" industries (nursing and legal).

Earlier in life I was a member of the American military (Army) when they still had a pink collar designation. WAC. Now except for a few MOS designations not open to women, they are pretty equal opportunity. Those forbidden MOS categories are also pretty moot considering that support groups are now on the front line in modern combat situations. Women's work is often designated lower in value when it comes to pay, prestige and benefits.

Being a non-insured person when it comes to health insurance (don't get me started on the problems faced by us uninsured folks) my only safety net is VA medical benefits. Having recently moved to TN and recently become poor enough for eligibility (having retired from gainful employment), I was over at my local VA health facility yesterday getting signed on for treatment here in TN. They are one of the centers that support a women's health unit. Long overdue in the system in my opinion and a needed recognition of the value of women in the military.

Now I spend my time in the world of embroidery - long considered women's work. Oh, with the exception of when it is considered "art" - then it is a proper pursuit for men.

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