
Saturday, January 26, 2008

New and Revised 

While clawing my way up above the waves of being overwhelmed I have accomplished a few things.

As I put together kits to teach a beginning reversible stitching class for my guild (Cheekwood EGA) I had a long and very sobering look at the book which I published years ago for the little sampler Blackwork for the Bewildered. I was chagrined by the quality of some of the graphics and stitch diagrams. At the time I put together the original booklet for a consumer show class I had much less powerful software than now. And I was less skillful in using the tools I did have available. Soooo having nothing better to do, I moved all of it over to a different publishing program and reworked all the stitch diagrams in StitchWiz. I'm much happier with the new and improved version and the other four designs in that series will be revised as well.

I also did a great deal of thinking about the Take It Further challenge and will be blogging about the results and the beginning of a design for January's challenge.

I've also had some thoughts about revising myself and my life as I prepare to once again move and settle into what I hope will be a rather final nest. I'm divesting myself of a good deal of rather nice clutter by distributing it to some folks who might get some good use from it and am looking forward to having a place to set up a frame again and do some slow stitching. For the past three years I've not had the luxury of a stitching space and I miss it. I'm going to be concentrating on research and writing for the next few years rather than traveling so much. I'll still be happy to set up individual tutoring sessions, but students will have to come to my doorstep for the forseeable future.

I've also nearly completed the set up of the pages for the second in the series of little Victorian accordion booklets that I've been reproducing. Although I won't be exhibiting at the Nashville trade show this year, I may have it off to Nordic Needle in time for the show and they may decide to put it in their showroom.

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Where are you moving to now? (Assuming that I can be nosey, of course!)
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