
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Sneaky, Snakey, Stringy Things 

When I left California many, many moons ago some of the boxes of embroidery/craft stuff just got all tossed together and sealed up. I was really in the worst throes of my bad back saga and just getting on the road was a superhuman accomplishment.

Is it any wonder that I am now straightening out masses of threads and yarns. You do realize that if you give threads half a chance they immediately start sneaking about and tangling like mad. In this respect they are like their cousins-thrice-removed, computer cords and cables. How do they ever get so entwined? I need my terribly organized friend here who doesn't stitch a lick but gathered all my scattered DMC one time, got it all onto bobbins and boxed up in numerical order. I always start out great but then I have a bit of this or that out and then another bit and I put something down half finished with the threads bundled in it and then don't take the time to put everything back all nice and tidy. Maybe I will improve now that I don't have to go to a dayjob anymore. Keep your fingers crossed and tell me you believe in the thread fairies folks.

All these sneaky thingies are also related to the concept of wire hangers making whoopee in dark closets and reproducing at an alarming rate and the socks which commit fratricide on their twins whilst in the washing machine. How easily I am defeated by supposedly inanimate objects.


When you are ready to tackle new threads and knitting, let me know. I pickup some fun fibers for socks at Stitches West. Lots of sock patterns too. I've been waiting to send them until you can enjoy them.
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