
Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Thought and a Link 

The "thought" --- Yes we do think around here (once in a while). Along with Sharon B. I don't get tangled up in stats for my blog, but I do take a little look at the general picture. I know when I've been dull as ditchwater and when I've hit a stitchers nerve of interest. Looking at the keywords that bring folks to my blog can be interesting and sometimes cause much head scratching. One thing is a certainty though. If Sharon B. gives you a mention, your stats soar. It's like getting the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Her blog In A Minute Ago is undoubtedly the most read, saved, printed, searched in the universe. So thanks for yesterday's stats Sharon.

Now for the "link" --- All Fiber Arts concentrates mostly on weaving, spinning and knitting, but there is a good deal of stitchery info as well. It's one of those BHS (Black Hole Sites). It can suck you in and you simply disappear for hours. Tons of links, Clipart, Articles, layer on layer of mighty good stuff.

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