Thursday, April 21, 2005
Now I've seen just about everything.
I've always said I love samplers because they were the one sort of embroidery that was not professionally produced in a factory or workshop. Seems we now have samplers for hire thanks to Wittman Needleworks.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Miserable Back, Miserable Blogger
Suffice it to say I had a very long complaint about my wonky back which is keeping me home and then Blogger lost it in the posting.
Just one more thing to complain about - more later when I'm in a better mood.
Just one more thing to complain about - more later when I'm in a better mood.
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Saturday, April 09, 2005
formerlyROSIE is Rosie O'Donnell's blog. She has always been one of the more human of celebs and now she blogs along on Blogger - almost as do the rest of us. Well, she has a few more kids around the place and a few less economic worries - but Right On Rosie.
Portly Petites of the World unite in blogging.
Portly Petites of the World unite in blogging.
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Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Sherry - A Decent Human Being
As I slog and blog through life, one of the highest accolades I give to folks is what I call "A Decent Human Being" award. We all have our quirks and faults but there are those who are just simply to the core decent, kind, good and honest.
I do a lot of research of original museum textiles and publish books with the charts I've made of bits and pieces from them. Early on I came to realize that these charts would be a great temptation to designers. They beg to be incorporated into designs - I should know, I use them all the time.
My policy evolved consisting of "yes, you may use bits from the books but please attribute me as your source and send me a copy of your design with the attribution." Over the years different designers have used the books as a resource and I get designs in from time to time. Most of the time the attributions even have my name spelled correctly. There are occasional times when I don't get credit but then there are the splendid times when designers go far beyond what I expect.
I received a lovely new chart today from Sherry Schons which uses a few bits and bobs and she has gone the extra mile by dedicating her work to me. What an honor. I can't tell you about the design or give a photo as it is not on her website and I have a feeling it is destined for release at an upcoming show or event. I can only say Sherry has remained true to her love of fantasy and dreams of a magical world. Thank you Sherry and if I have encouraged you to find your own way with blackwork - it's a very lovely way indeed.
I do a lot of research of original museum textiles and publish books with the charts I've made of bits and pieces from them. Early on I came to realize that these charts would be a great temptation to designers. They beg to be incorporated into designs - I should know, I use them all the time.
My policy evolved consisting of "yes, you may use bits from the books but please attribute me as your source and send me a copy of your design with the attribution." Over the years different designers have used the books as a resource and I get designs in from time to time. Most of the time the attributions even have my name spelled correctly. There are occasional times when I don't get credit but then there are the splendid times when designers go far beyond what I expect.
I received a lovely new chart today from Sherry Schons which uses a few bits and bobs and she has gone the extra mile by dedicating her work to me. What an honor. I can't tell you about the design or give a photo as it is not on her website and I have a feeling it is destined for release at an upcoming show or event. I can only say Sherry has remained true to her love of fantasy and dreams of a magical world. Thank you Sherry and if I have encouraged you to find your own way with blackwork - it's a very lovely way indeed.
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Monday, April 04, 2005
Fashion Statement
In Los Angeles one often sees bold fashion statements in public places. Today I was treated to an ensemble which was color coordinated beautifully but was whimsical in one respect.
It is now warm in Los Angeles and virtually everyone is wearing some sort of sun defeating headgear. Today I saw a very tall gentleman in Khaki trousers (beautifully creased); a deep purple T-shirt with a matching purple lampshade on his head as his sunhat of choice.
Now my first thought was - that is nutty! But it really was very practical. He had a cream colored bandana wrapped and tied about his head and flowing down the back of his neck for protection. This also protected his head where the sun entered at the top of the shade. The shade was of just the right size to protect his ears, face and neck. Very tidy look all in all.
It is now warm in Los Angeles and virtually everyone is wearing some sort of sun defeating headgear. Today I saw a very tall gentleman in Khaki trousers (beautifully creased); a deep purple T-shirt with a matching purple lampshade on his head as his sunhat of choice.
Now my first thought was - that is nutty! But it really was very practical. He had a cream colored bandana wrapped and tied about his head and flowing down the back of his neck for protection. This also protected his head where the sun entered at the top of the shade. The shade was of just the right size to protect his ears, face and neck. Very tidy look all in all.
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Saturday, April 02, 2005
Right On Powerhouse Museum
I love it when material culture objects and collections are categorized in a sensible way. The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney Australia has a super lace collection and it is made even more delicious by its juxtaposition to HUGE GOLIATH steam engines and other industrial sorts of exhibits.
Rosemary Shepherd did all of us a favor by putting lace into a practical scheme of organization and classification. See the pdf of her conclusions which not only has well-written text but graphics that make the text memorable. This is a "save and use" document.
Rosemary Shepherd did all of us a favor by putting lace into a practical scheme of organization and classification. See the pdf of her conclusions which not only has well-written text but graphics that make the text memorable. This is a "save and use" document.
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Show Time!!!
Libby and I will be at the Burbank CATS show starting April 14. Part of the fun is getting ready to load the booth up with things that delight people who just can't resist spending money on needlework stash.
The Dinky Dyes are here, sorted and in their display cabinet. We have all the "sampler colors" - 30 colors just begging to be used on a sampler if you want a truly vintage look.

The DMC metallics and the Rainbow Gallery fibers are yet to arrive. I've also ordered six different sorts of "No Name" scissors. I've found that $6 scissors appeal to folks (they certainly appeal to me) as they are perfectly good little embroidery scissors and you don't have to pitch a fit if you lose a pair or forget and use them to cut metal wire or pry something.
As I'm moving this summer, we will take a lot of linen that was precut for classes and make a valiant attempt to save ourselves from moving it. Same with vintage stitching magazines and charts.
I have some starter kits made up so I can sit down with folks and get them started on reversible blackwork or stitching on paper.
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I move a lot of stuff into somebody else's stash instead of having to pack it for a move across country.
The Dinky Dyes are here, sorted and in their display cabinet. We have all the "sampler colors" - 30 colors just begging to be used on a sampler if you want a truly vintage look.

The DMC metallics and the Rainbow Gallery fibers are yet to arrive. I've also ordered six different sorts of "No Name" scissors. I've found that $6 scissors appeal to folks (they certainly appeal to me) as they are perfectly good little embroidery scissors and you don't have to pitch a fit if you lose a pair or forget and use them to cut metal wire or pry something.
As I'm moving this summer, we will take a lot of linen that was precut for classes and make a valiant attempt to save ourselves from moving it. Same with vintage stitching magazines and charts.
I have some starter kits made up so I can sit down with folks and get them started on reversible blackwork or stitching on paper.
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I move a lot of stuff into somebody else's stash instead of having to pack it for a move across country.
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Sharon's Stat Spikes
I can always tell when SharonB has posted a link to my blog - the stats go off the map. Sharon has such a fantastic site that I do believe I'm safe to say it is the industry standard for which to aim. Full of quirky bits and serious bits and artistic bits and seldom do I find a textile site before Sharon. Her readership is legion and we all find her blog thought provoking, funny, informative and just a plain "good read." In case I haven't told her lately, well done.
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